Rumus Kecepatan Cahaya Dalam Islam

Kecepatan Cahaya, Kecepatan gelombang elektro magnetic yg tercepat di jagat ini, yaitu: 299792.5 Km / detik, yang baru diketahui abad 20, ternyata telah ditulis Qur'an 1400 Tahun yang lalu. 

Rumus Kecepatan Cahaya Dalam Islam- muka internet

Mungkin saudara saudarai pernah tahu jika konstanta C, atau kecepatan cahaya yaitu kecepatan tercepat di jagat raya ini diukur, dihitung atau ditentukan oleh berbagai institusion berikut:

US National Bureau of Standards, C = 299792.4574 + 0.0011 km / det

The British National Physical Laboratory, C = 299792.4590 + 0.0008 km / det

Konferensi ke-17 tentang Penetapan Ukuran dan Berat Standar: "Satu meter adalah jarak tempuh cahaya dalam ruang vacum selama jangka waktu 1/299792458 detik".

Sekarang, mari kita lihat apa yg Qur'an tulis tentang kecepatan cahaya.

Qs. 10 Yunus: 5. Dia-lah yang menjadikan matahari bersinar dan bulan bercahaya dan ditetapkan-Nya manzilah-manzilah (jalan-jalan) untuk perjalanan bulan itu, supaya kamu mengetahui bilangan tahun dan perhitungan. Allah tidak menciptakan yang demikian itu melainkan dengan haq. Dia menjelaskan tanda-tanda kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui.

Qs. 21 Anbiyaa: 33. Dan Dialah yang telah menciptakan malam dan siang, matahari dan bulan. Masing-masing dari keduanya itu beredar di dalam garis edarnya.

Qs. 32 Sajdah: 5. Dia mengatur urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepadaNya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu

Sekarang, mari kita perhatikan dengan seksama.
Jarak yang dicapai "Sang urusan" selama 1 hari = jarak yang ditempuh bulan selama 1000 tahun atau 12000 bulan.

C. t = 12000. L
dimana: C = kecepatan Sang urusan
t = waktu selama satu hari
L = panjang rute edar bulan selama satu bulan

Sekarang, sistem kalender telah diuji mendapatkan nilai C yang sama dengan nilai C yang sudah diketahui setelah pengukuran.

Ada dua macam system kalender bulan:
1.  Sisyem sinodik, didasarkan atas penampakan semu gerak bulan dan matahari dari bumi.
     1 hari = 24 jam
     1 bulan = 29.53059 hari

2.  Sistem sidereal, didasarkan atas pergerakan relatif bulan dan matahari terhadap bintang  dan alam semesta.
      1 hari = 23 jam 56 menit 4.0906 detik = 86164.0906 detik
      1 bulan = 27.321661 hari
Bulan kembali ke posisi semula tepat pada garis lurus antara matahari dan bumi. Periode ini disebut "satu bulan sinodik"

Selanjutnya perhatikan rute bulan selama satu bulan sidereal, Rutenya bukan berupa lingkaran seperti yang mungkin Anda bayangkan melainkan berbentuk kurva yang panjangnya L = v. T.

v = kecepatan bulan
T = periode revolusi bulan
= 27.321661 hari
a = 27.321661 days/365.25636 days x 360 o = 26.92848o

Ada dua tipe kecepatan bulan:
1. Kecepatan relatif terhadap bumi yang bisa dihitung dengan
rumus berikut: ve = 2. p. R / T

dimana R = jari-jari revolusi bulan = 384264 km
T = periode revolusi bulan = 655.71986 jam
Jadi ve = 2 * 3.14162 * 384264 km / 655.71986 jam
= 3682.07 km / jam

2. Kecepatan relatif terhadap bintang atau alam semesta. Yang ini yang akan dibutuhkan. Einstein mengusulkan bahwa kecepatan jenis kedua ini dihitung dengan mengalikan yang pertama dengan cosinus a, sehingga: v = Ve * Cos a

Dimana a adalah sudut yang dibentuk oleh revolusi bumi selama satu bulan sidereal
a = 26.92848o
Bandingkan C (kecepatan sang urusan) hasil perhitungan dengan nilai C (kecepatan cahaya) yang sudah diketahui!

L = v. T
v = Ve * Cos a
Ve = 3682.07 km / jam
a = 26.92848 o
T = 655.71986 jam
t = 86164.0906 detik

C. t = 12000. L
C. t = 12000. v. T
C. t = 12000. (Ve * Cos a). T
C = 12000. ve. Cos a. T / t
C = 12000 * 3682.07 km / jam * 0.89157 * 655.71986 jam / 86164.0906 detik
C = 299792.5 km / det

Sekarang,,, mari kita bandingkan antara perhitungan yg ditulis Qur'an dengan perhitungan abad 20.

Qur'an --------------------------------------> C = 299792.5 Km / detik
US National Bureau of Standards, ------> C = 299792.4574 + 0.0011 km / detik
The British National Physical Laboratory, C = 299792.4590 + 0.0008 km / detik

Konferensi ke-17 tentang Penetapan Ukuran dan Berat Standar: "Satu meter adalah jarak tempuh cahaya dalam ruang vacum selama jangka waktu 1/299792458 detik".

Kesimpulan dari Profesor Elnaby:

"Perhitungan ini membuktikan keakuratan dan konsistensi nilai konstanta C hasil pengukuran selama ini dan juga menunjukkan kebenaran AlQuranulkarim sebagai wahyu yang patut dipelajari dengan analisis yang tajam karena penulisnya adalah ALLAH, Sang Pencipta Alam Semesta Raya."

Elnaby, MH, 1990, A New Astronomical Quranic Method for The Determination of The Greatest Speed ​​C

Fix, John D, 1995, Astronomi, Journey of the Cosmic Frontier, 1st edition, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St Louis, Missouri

Qur'anul Kariim, 611 M, ALLAH Azza Wa Jalla, Pencipta Alam Semesta Raya

Qur'an Surat 32 Sajdah:

1. Alif laam miim
2. Turunnya Al-Quran yang tidak ada keraguan di dalamnya, (adalah) dari Tuhan semesta alam.
3. Tetapi mengapa mereka mengatakan: "Dia Muhammad mengada-adakannya." Sebenarnya Al-Quran itu adalah kebenaran dari Rabbmu, agar kamu memberi peringatan kepada kaum yang belum datang kepada mereka orang yang memberi peringatan sebelum kamu; Mudah-mudahan mereka mendapat petunjuk.
4. Allah lah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dan apa yang ada di antara keduanya dalam enam masa, kemudian Dia bersemayam di 'Arsy. tidak ada untuk kamu selain dari padanya seorang penolongpun dan tidak seorang pemberi syafa'at. Maka Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan?
5. Dia mengatur urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepadanya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu

Jadi,,, 1 bukti lagi ... Islam ---> TERBUKTI BENAR ...
Apakah dalam kitab agama lain yg bisa menjelaskan pertanyaan kecepatan cahaya ini???

QS.4 Nisaa ': 82. MAKA apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan AL-QUR'AN? KALAU JIKA AL-QURAN ITU BUKAN DARI SISI ALLAH, tentulah mereka mendapat pertentangan YANG BANYAK didalamnya.
The greatest speed C, denoting the velocity of light in vacuum, is hinted at in two glorious Quranic verses relating this fundamental universal contant C with the motion of the Earth-Moon system.

A new relativistic interpretation of this Quranic relation gives C = 299792.5 km / s in an extremely marvellous agreement with the accepted internasional value. This astonishing result emphasises the unity of the physical world, the validity of the special theory of relativity and the authenticity of the Glorious Quran for unbelievers.


The velocity of light C di vacuum belongs to a small group of the fundamental constants; however, it occupies an outstanding position even dalam grup. First of all, it is encountered in very different branches of physics. It will come as no exaggeration if one says the story of the determination of the velocity of light is a Concise history of physics. And this story has not come to an end yet.

Dari ancient Greeks down to the Middle ages, the speed of light was believed to be infinite. Aristoteles believed that light propagates instantly!. In the eleventh century, an Arabic scientist Alhassan menyarankan that light travels at a finite speed.

Galileo (1600) tried this speed but he Eailed saying that light is extraordinarily rapid (l). Roemer (1676) was the first measuring C menggunakan eclipses of the Jovian satelit Io. He obtained an inaccurate value of C (215000 km / s) because the diameter of the earth 's orbit was not known exactly.

Starting from 17th century, experiments show the progress of metode dan teknik di determination of the speed C as indicated in the following table (1). tabel 1

Froome 's value was considered to be the most accurate for a long period sampai 1983 ketika modulated laser radiation interferometers were applied for the determination of C with great precision.

Menurut the US National Bureau of Standards (3): C = 299792.4574 + 0.0011 km /

dan menurut the British National Physical Laboratory C = 299792.4590 + 0.0008 km / s

A basically new definition of the meter wasaccepted in October 1983 at the 17th General Conference on measures dan beban (3):

"The meter is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum selama a time interval dari
1/299792458 of a second ".

The Fixation of the value of C after the formation of the new definition of the meter does not mean yet the end of the story of this fundamental constant C. Ada sejumlah other questions dealing with the realtion antara this multifarious, Enigmatic constant C and the theory of relativity.

Recalling the second postulate of the special theory of relativity declared by Albert Einstein (1905):

"The velocity C of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of reference in all directions and depend neither on the velocity of the source nor on the velocity of the observer".

Pauli (4) (1958) mengatakan bahwa data pada binarystars allowed us to consider this postulate of the constancy of the velocity of light to be almost certainly correct.

Menurut Einstein 's general theory of relativity (1917), the law of the constancy of the velocity C of light in vacuum can not claim any unlimited validity because the curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light bervariasi dengan position!. Einstein (4) himself solved this contradiction antara special and general relativity declaring in his paper written (1917):

"The results of the special relativity hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influence of gravitational fields on the phenomena".

This validity condition of the second postulate of special relativity dianggap di present work because the constancy of the velocity C needs absolute space (vacuum). To attain vacuum di Einstein 's sense of this word. it is not: sufficient just to eleminate from a volume of space setiap atom, molecule dan particle, it is diperlukan juga to get rid of the gravitational field. Therefore we have screened out the effect of the solar gravitational field on the geocentric orbital motion of the moon, yang dianggap here, menurut the applied Quranic equation; sebagai standar measure reference for evaluating the greatest cosmic speed described in the Holy Quranic verses .

Lunar Orbital Motion described in Quran:
Empatbelas centuries ago, the QURAN (5), i.e. . The Holy Book of Islamic Religion, was directed from GOD to all humanity melalui Nabi Mohammad, who lived in the Arabian Peninsula.

The ARAB orang menggunakan lunar system in their calculation of time. The Quran addressed them in the only language they could understand without upsetting their habits. GOD (in Arabic ALLAH: the ONE and Only GOD, the CREATOR) says in the Quran:

"GOD is the ONE who made the sun a shining glory and the moon a light and for her ordained Mansions, so that you might know the number of years and the reckoning" (10:5)

The lunar year is twelve months, the month is defined recently as the time of one revolution of the moon in its orbit around the earth. God hints at seperti orbit di Quran:

"GOD is the ONE who created the night, the day, the sun, and the moon. Setiap one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion" (21:33).

Here an essential scientific fact is clearly stated, yaitu, the existence of the earth 's, sun'so and moon' s orbits; besides, a reference is made to the travelling of these Celestial bodies in space with their own motion! A new concept had therefore been established in the Quran, hundreds of years before it was discovered by modern science (6-7)

Today konsep the lunar year is widely spread dan, as we know, the moon is our nearest neighbour in space, dan companion to our planet. It is often said that the earth and moon form a twin-planet. As the moon orbits around the earth, the change in the relative positions of the moon, earth and sun cause the moon to show its phases (8-9). The time antara consecutive new moons is 29.53 days and is called the synodic month.

Selama this time, however, the earth, and consequently the moon 's orbit, have travelled some way around the sun, so the position of the moon against the background of stars is different. 'L; he time for the moon to return to the same position in the sky as viewed from earth is called the sidereal month (27.32 days) yang represents the actual real net time of one revolution in the moon' s orbit. This orbit is almost circular having an average radius r = 384264 km.

Fig. 1 describes the moon 's motion during a lunar month. Posisi A1 shows a new moon. Posisi B (about 2 weeks later than A1) illustrates the following full moon. Posisi A2 the moon memiliki orbited the earth once (with respect to an apparently fixed star). Thus one sidereal period (27.32 days) memiliki elapsed since position A1. The next new moon does not occur until position A3 where the moon has once again lined up with the sun. Thus one lunar synodic period (29.53 days) memiliki elapsed since position A1.

Referring to the Quranic verse (10:5), we notice that it discriminates antara apparent synodic period for knowing the number of years and the real sidereal period for reckoning in scientific calculations. These two systems of measuring time are now given in the text books of Astronomy as indicated (l,) di table 2:

Table (2) Lunar month and terrestrial: day

Period Siderial Synodic
Lunar Month T 27.321661 days = 655.71986 hours 29.53059 days
Terrestrial day t 23 hal, 56 min 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906 sec 24 hours = 86400 sec

The aim of this work is to determine the value of the greatest speed mentioned in the following relativistic Quranic verses. In these verses the sideral system should be used for both the lunar month and the terrestrial day as accurate measured periode (with respect to a distant apparently fixed star).

A New Relation in the Earth-Moon System:
The length of the moons 'orbit L dan time t of one terrestrial day are correlated in a marvellous Quranic verse yang describes a universal constant velocity of a certain cosmic affair sebagai berikut:

"GOD rules the cosmic affair dari heavens to the earth. Then this affair travels, to Him (ie through the whole universe) in one day, where the measure is one thousand years of your reckoning" (32:5)

the Quranic expression "of your reckoning" leaves no doubt as to our understanding of the year as the lunar year.

The verse begins with a reference to a certain "cosmic affair" yang GOD menciptakan dan perintah. This affair travels, permanen through the whole universe antara heavens and the Earth, so speedily that it crosses in ONE DAY maksimum distance in space equivalent to that which the moon passes selama ONE THOUSAND LUNAR YEAR (ie selama 12000 sidereal month). The question yang pause.; Itself now is: what could this cosmic affair be? and what is its greatest velocity as Expressed in this Quranic equation?.

To answer this question. The above Quranic verse telah understood ** in terms of the following equation:

Distance crossed in vacuum by the universal cosmic affair di Osle sidereal day = length of 12000 revolutions of the moon around the earth.

.:. Ct = 12000 L.


C is the velocity of the cosmic affair,

t is the time interval of one terrestrial sidereal day kefined as the time of one rotation of the earth. about its axis (relative to the stars). i.e. 23 hr, 56 min, 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906sec. )

L is the inertial distance yang the moon covers in co revolution around the earth selama satu sidereal month ie L is the net length of the moon 's orbit due to its own geocentric motion, without the interference of its spiral motion causec by the earth' s revolution around the sun, yaitu _ Is the lunar orbit length tidak termasuk the effec-of the solar gravitational field on the measured value.

Let V is the measured average orbital velocity of the moon deduced dari average radius R dari lunar geocentric orbit tas measured from an orbiting earth during its heliocentric motion)

.:. V = 2 Pi * R / T. ...................................
................ (2)

substituting R = 384264 km dan T = the siderial lunar month = 655.71986 hr

.:. V = (2X3.l4l6x384264) / 655.71986 = 3682.07 km / hr

This value is given in all text books of astronomy and is accepted by NASA.

Let @ (Fig. 1) is the angle travelled by the earth moon system around the sun selama satu sidereal month of period 27.321661 days. We can calculate @ if we take into consideration the period (365.25636 days) of one heliocentric revolution (1 year) of the earth-moon system (Fig.l).

@ = 27.321661 * 360/365.25636 = 26,92848

Thus @ is a characteristic constant of this system tergantung pada uniformperiods of the month and the year.

Since the presence of the sun changes the geometrical properties of space and time, we must screen out its gravitational effect on the earth moon system menurut the validity condition of the second postulate of special relativity, yaitu we must only consider the lunar geocentric motion without the heliocentric motion of the earth-moon system. Thus a velocity component VO = V Coso representing the net orbital velocity of the moon as shown in fig. (1) is introduced for calculating the net length L of the lunar orbit assuming a stationary earth.

.:. L = V cos @ T ......................... (3)

Dari equation (1) dan (3) we get a new Quranic relation for the earth moon system:

Ct = 12000 V cos @ T. ................................. (4)

.:. C = 12000 V cos @ T / t ............................. (5)

substituting the sidereal values ​​of the periode t dan T dari table (2), the NASA value of the measured orbital lunar velocity V = 3682.07 km / hr., dan dihitung yalue of cos @ = cos 26.92848 = 0.89157, we get the velocity of the cosmic affair dari eq. 5 as Expressed in the Holy Quran.

C = 12000 x 3682.07 x 0.89157 x 655.71986/86164.0906

.:. C = 299792.5 km / s

Referring to table (1) dan international value of C = 299792.458 km / s we find an extremely marvellous agreement. Thus we conclude that the cosmic affair, mentioned in the previous Quranic verse, is identical to LIGHT and all similar cosmic affairs travelling in vacuum with this maximum speed seperti:

all types of electro magnetic waves propagating antara heavens and the earth, the expected Gravitational waves spreading all over the universe, and all particles travelling in this cosmic greatest spead seperti neutrinos.

It is very interesting to mention here the second Quranic verse yang hints at the same relativistic Quranic equation di earth-moon system: God Most High said:

"A day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning" (22:47)

Thus both relativistic Quranic equations emphasise the obtained value of the greatest speed C dan show that C is a permanent absolute constant. Actually there have been no scientific evidence that the value of C dapat change in time as yet.

The constancy principle of special relativity is confirmed in the present work, yang correlates juga the speed of light C di vacuum with the Celestial mechanics of the earth-moon system. Referring to equation (4) dan substituting the velocity V dari eq. (2), we find that the average radius of the moon.

R = [C/12000x2 Pi Cos @] * t ...................... (6)

.:. "The average radius R dari lunar orbit is directly proportional to the period of one terrestrial sidereal day t.".

This new law deduced di present work is important so far as it confirms the law of conservation of momentum di Earth-Moon system. Moreover it implies the influence of the tidal effect dan gravitational change factor on the this system.

Menurut Dirac 's Cosmology, the universal gravitational constant G harus variable in time! ie, it decreases with the age Tv of the universe menurut Diracs equation:

G = [e ^ 4 / (m * e ^ 2pc ^ 3)] * 1 / T. ............................ (7)

dimana e the electronic charge, m dan p are the masses of the the electron dan proton respectively. Juga menurut Newtons law, the gravitational perubahan affect the radius R dari lunar orbit as indicated in the following equation (ll)

R = [h ^ 2 / m ^ 2 * M] * 1 / G. ................................ .. (8)

dimana h is the angular momentum of the moon about the earth, m dan M are the masses of the moon and earth respectively. Sejak h, m dan M remain unchanged with time, the radius R adalah inversely proportional to G. Correlating the last three equations, further studies in Cosmology may be diminta dan facilitated.

It is both important and interesting to find a new Astronomical relationZ antara radius of the lunar orbit R and the time t of one terrestrial day deduced menurut a new relativistic interpretation of a cosmic Quranic verse alluding to the greatest universal speed identical to the velocity C of light in vacuum.

It is so awesome to find unity in the complex of phenomena, that at first sight appear to have nothing in common. This work proves the universality dan constancy of the fundamental constant C as the Greatest Cosmic Speed ​​and reveals the Glorious Quran sebagai Holy Book worth studying with Meticulous analysis since its author is the CREATOR of the Universe.
Biasanya, pada awalnya, kita beragama cuma ikut orang tua saja. Kita tak pikir agama benar atau salah.

Jika kita lahir di timur dari keluarga islam, maka kita islam.
Jika kita lahir di barat dari keluarga christian, maka kita christian.
Jika kita lahir di Himalaya dari keluarga budha, maka kita jadi bhisksu.

19 keyakinan, meski yakin sangat dengan seyakin-yakinnya, maka tetap lah tak bermakna ada 19 Tuhan, tetap Tuhan cm 1!

1 Tuhan bmakna 1 Agama yg sebenarnya, bagaimana kita bisa tahu sebuah agama benar???

Jadi, dalam pertanyaan ini kita TIDAK BICARA TENTANG KEYAKINAN, tapi kita tampilkan BUKTI KEBENARAN.

Jika Islam Benar, apa buktinya?
Jika Christian Benar, apa buktinya?
Jika Buddha Benar, apa buktinya?

Untok membuktikan sebuah agama benar, maka tak bisa ditengok dari kesalahan ummatnya, karena ummat tetaplah manusia yg tak sempurna.

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